Trap Workouts

The trap muscle is a large, diamond shaped muscle on your upper back. The trap muscle, also known as the trapezius, performs several different joint actions. In this article, we cover several exercises to make sure you hit the entire diamond. Keep reading to learn more about exercises for your traps. Or, click the image below to watch exercise demos from our class videos.

trap workout at pfta schools

The Science

In order for the best muscular contractions, your muscle fibers should move any resistance against gravity. If you look closely in the image below, there are fibers running every which way. Therefore, you need to pick exercises that move your shoulders blades up, down, and laterally. Keep reading to learn movements for each part of the trapezius muscle.

trapezius muscle at pfta schools

Upper Traps

We'll start from the top and work are way down. The upper traps are responsible for two joint actions: scapular elevation and scapular upward rotation. One of the exercises you can do for scapular elevation is shrugs. You can use barbells, dumbbells, or even a specialty item called a trap bar. One of the misconceptions in the gym is that you need to rotate your shoulders to get a great upper trap workout. The truth is, all you need to do is shrug your shoulders straight up, and slowly lower the weight.

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Scapular Upward Rotation

The second movement for the upper traps is scapular upward rotation. There are several exercises you can perform to accomplish this movement. The exercise with the greatest range of motion is the dumbbell shoulder press. You can also perform shoulder presses with barbells. To emphasize the traps, and not the deltoids, keep the range of motion above your shoulders.

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Mid Traps

Although the trapezius is one big muscle, it can be grouped into smaller sections. The next section of the trap we'll be discussing is the mid trap. Since those muscle fibers run horizontally, the movements should be laterally. For example, reverse pec deck is a great exercise for your mid traps and your rear deltoids. Start with your upper arms perpendicular to your torso. Move your arms back while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Bent laterals is also a great alternative to reverse pec deck because they have similar joint actions.

Speaking of deltoids, click the image below to watch exercise demos for your anterior deltoid, middle deltoid, and posterior deltoid.

shoulder exercises at pfta schools

High Rows

Furthermore, you can set up the seated row to work your mid traps as well. If you move the resistance with your elbows down (shoulder extension), you will emphasize the lats. But, if you move the resistance with your elbows up, you will emphasize the mid traps and rhomboids. Click the image below to watch how we set up both types of rows. Or, click this link to read more about the Benefits of the Seated Row.

seated row at pfta schools

TRX Bands

In addition, another alternative for mid-traps is TRX high rows. All these movements are great exercises for your rear delts and your mid traps. But TRX bands may also work your core so you'll get an added benefit. And don't forget, preventing rounded shoulders starts with a strong mid back. As a matter of fact, click the image below to watch a video on Correcting Rounded Shoulders. Or, click this link to learn How to Correct Rounded Shoulders in 3 Easy Steps.

correct rounded shoulders at pfta schools

Lower Traps

The last section we will be discussing is the lower traps. The lower traps get a lot of work when you perform almost any pulldown exercise. But, you can isolate the lower traps with reverse shrugs as shown in the video above. You can use several machines to perform reverse shrugs. Or, just make sure you have pulldown exercises included in your back routine.

Speaking of pulldowns, click the image below to watch the Best Pulldown Exercises for your Lats. Or, click this link to read more about the Best Pulldown Exercises for Your lats.

lat pulldowns exercises at pfta schools

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The trapezius muscle is one of the biggest, and one of the most important muscles in your body. A strong trapezius muscle can really help you maintain or improve your posture. A strong trapezius muscle may also prevent low back pain. Along with working out all three sections of the trapezius muscle, make sure you also stretch and possibly get a back massage every once in a while too. With just a few exercises, you will be able to exercise every single fiber of one of the largest muscles in your body, the trapezius muscle. Happy health and happy training!

Written By

RAEscobar, PFTA instructor and personal trainer